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Minutes 06/14/2006
                     BOARD OF PUBLIC SAFETY
                     JUNE 14, 2006

A   REGULAR  MEETING   of the Board of Public Safety was held on Wednesday, June 14, 2006, in the Council Chambers.

Those in attendance included Mayor Ryan J. Bingham, Commissioners Christopher H. Cook,  Douglas J. Benedetto, James E. Potter, Michael Colangelo, and Robert C. Zordan, Corporation Counsel Ernestine Yuille Weaver, Police Chief Robert Milano, Deputy Police Chief Michael Maniago, Traffic Officer Robert Shopey, Deputy Fire Chief Jaye Giampaolo, and Emergency Management Coordinator Thomas Vannini.  

        Commissioner Richard L. Zaharek, Fire Chief John Field, Burrville Volunteer Fire Chief Roger Rougeot, Torringford Volunteer Fire Chief Lawrence Dauphanais, Drakeville Volunteer Fire Chief Aaron Picz, and Director of Operations at Campion Ambulance Fred Rosa were absent.

        Mayor Bingham called the meeting to order at 7:55 p.m., immediately following   a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Police & Firemens’ Pension Fund.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, the board voted unanimously to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held May 10, 2006.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board voted unanimously to open the meeting to the public.  There was no public participation.

On a motion by Commissioner Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to accept Chief Milano’s Report for May 2006.

On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to accept Officer Shopey’s recommendation to seek a permit from the State Traffic Commission for the 35th Annual Donors Week Road Race scheduled for Sunday, August 13, 2006, beginning at 10:00 a.m.

On a motion by Commissioner Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to accept Officer Shopey’s recommendation to seek a permit from the State Traffic Commission to close Main Street between Water Street and Maiden Lane on Thursday, June 22, 2006 between the hours of 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. and again between the approximate hours of 8:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. for the Litchfield High School commencement exercise at the Warner Theater.

Officer Shopey indicated that the city will pay overtime only to the people who  take care of the barricades.  Traffic officers are always paid by the vendors/ sponsors of the event.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to accept Officer Shopey’s recommendation to seek a permit from the State Traffic Commission to close Main Street between Water Street and Mason Street on Monday, June 19, 2006 between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. for the Oliver Wolcott RVT graduation at the Warner Theater.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board voted unanimously to table Officer Shopey’s recommendation to seek a permit from the State Traffic Commission to close Main Street between Water Street and Mason Street on the following dates and times for scheduled Street Fairs, since the following dates needed to be changed:

       Sunday, June 25, 2006, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
       Sunday, August 20, 2006, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
       Sunday, October 15, 2006, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.  

Officer Shopey indicated that he would apply for the permits prior to the next meeting if timing became a factor.  Should the event be approved, the permit will be in hand.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Potter,  the board voted unanimously to accept Officer Shopey’s recommendation to post “No Parking” signs on both the north and south sides of Wadhams Avenue, from Main Street easterly for a distance of 100 feet.

On a motion by Commissioner Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board voted unanimously to accept Officer Shopey’s recommendation to seek a permit from the State Traffic Commission to post Upper Valley Road with 25 MPH speed limit signs.   

Officer Shopey explained that, unless they can prove the speed limit of a driver is unreasonable, the Police Department is literally powerless in enforcing the speed limit without signs being posted.  The cost to post signs on both sides of the road is approximately $120.00 to $150.00, and it takes an average of 45 minutes to install one sign.  All signs are posted in the city’s right-of-way and they make every effort to post them on property lines.

On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Potter,  the board voted unanimously to accept Officer Shopey’s recommendation to seek a permit from the State Traffic Commission to post Yorkshire Terrace with 25 MPH speed limit signs.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to accept Officer Shopey’s recommendation to seek a permit from the State Traffic Commission to post Farmstead Lane with 25 MPH speed limit signs.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, the board voted unanimously to accept Officer Shopey’s recommendation to seek a permit from the State Traffic Commission to post Concord Road with 25 MPH speed limit signs.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to accept Chief Field’s Report for May 2006.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board voted unanimously to accept Deputy Chief Giampaolo’s Report for May 2006.
Commissioner Benedetto inquired about Deputy Chief Giampaolo’s plan for station maintenance.

Deputy Chief Giampaolo indicated those bids for painting the interior of fire headquarters were more than $20,000.00, and bids to caulk and point the exterior of the building were $37,000.00 last year.  He noted that the southwest corner of the building was left unfinished because plans were to combine the police and fire departments into one building.   That area is beginning to break down because it wasn’t designed to be in the weather for this many years.  As a result, water is beginning to infiltrate the dispatch area and it is in need of attention.  It’s up to the city to decide whether they want to budget the repairs in the capital plan.  

Commissioner Benedetto asked Deputy Chief Giampaolo if he could furnish the board with estimates at the next meeting.

Deputy Chief Giampaolo indicated that he already had estimates in which they could merely add 5 to 10% for inflation.  The estimate of $37,000.00 was for the entire building.  However, they could deal with just the area in the back that needs to be caulked and repointed to stop the water from entering the building.  Another issue was whether or not the city could actually do something with that back corner in terms of adding onto the building for storing vehicles.   He would like permission to present the board with an idea he has for storage.  If the board is not interested, they should take steps to weatherproof the area.

Commissioner Potter thought it would be more prudent to consider expanding in the east side in an effort to properly house the equipment.  He said he’d rather put money into something more productive for the city as a whole rather than just build a place to park a few trailers.

Commissioner Cook indicated that adding on a communication center to the fire house was obviously something the city thought about years ago.  A committee was still involved with this issue.  He didn’t want to see the city make the repairs and tear it down a year later, but if repairs were needed, they should be made.

Deputy Chief Giampaolo said he’d like to work with a couple of Commissioners on this matter, especially if they decide to look at the east side as a resolution to house some of these vehicles.

Mayor Bingham said he would have the city’s building inspector take a look at the situation.

Commissioner Potter suggested that Deputy Chief Giampaolo submit a proposal to this board so they can vote on moving the repairs to the City Council.

Deputy Chief Giampaolo said, if the east side would be a resolution to the issue, then he’d like to be able to work with someone.  

Commissioner Potter thought Deputy Chief Giampaolo was getting ahead of the game.  They needed to wait until decisions were reached in regard to whether or not the city would have an east end station; how it would be manned, what equipment it would have, etc.   It was the Chief and the Deputy Chief’s job to put all of that information into written form to present to this board.   A committee could then be formed.

Deputy Chief Giampaolo indicated that he will get some estimates based on the Building Inspector’s recommendation to alleviate the water from penetrating the dispatch area for the short term, and will also present the commissioners with a proposal for a long term resolution.

Commissioner Potter said, in discussing these issues with Chief Field, his contention was that a lot of the manning issues were contingent upon getting a dispatch center into operating.  

Deputy Chief Giampaolo said that was moving along quite well and he would get to work on that matter.

Commissioner Benedetto inquired whether the Fire Department was responding to EMS situations.

Deputy Chief Giampaolo stated that the fire department was responding on a regular basis and all was going very well.  The firefighters were meeting with Campion for training.  The work in the field was everything they thought it would be, and more.  The men are working well together and the lines of communication are wide open.   Policies will be written as issues come forward.  Calls are based on the information provided by the person making the call.  He noted that the 10 or 11 calls which the fire department was summoned to during the past month did not overwhelm their capacity.

Commissioner Benedetto expressed his concern over the possibility of liability by not having any policies in place.  

Deputy Chief Giampaolo indicated that the protocol and the policy as to what they are capable of responding to is the same as those for supplemental responders.  The state had blessed them as a medical agency in the City of Torrington, based on their training and capabilities, which met the state’s standards.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, the board voted unanimously to accept the Training Officer’s Report for May 2006.

Commissioner Potter said he noticed that there had been no training with the volunteers in the past three or four months.

Deputy Chief Giampaolo stated that the volunteers had not requested any.

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to accept the Fire Marshal’s Report for May 2006.

On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto,  the board voted unanimously to accept the Incident Report for May 2006.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Zordan, a discussion took place on the Fire Department’s Hiring Policy.

The Commissioners said they had hoped to see an amended copy of the hiring policy within their packets.  The amendment referred to the requirement of an applicant to be EMT certified.

Deputy Chief Giampaolo stated that an individual won’t be excluded from the hiring process, but obtaining his/her EMT certificate would be a condition of employment.  They will have to get the EMT training on their own.

Corp. Counsel Ernestine Yuille Weaver said “Right, it has to be a precondition for the job, and they also have to agree to it in writing that they understand that this is part of the probationary period and the training that is required to hold the job.   We’re able to do that as, not being a mandatory or involuntary training, because it’s a precondition for the hiring that they would be aware of before they actually accepted the position.”

Commissioner Cook said another change in the hiring policy included that a Commissioner would be involved in the interview process.

        Commissioner Benedetto indicated that a Fire Personnel Committee was already in existence.

Commissioner Potter said it was normal to have two commissioners from the Fire Personnel Committee involved in the Management Interview.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Potter,  the board voted unanimously to table the Fire Department’s Hiring Policy.

On a motion by Commissioner Zordan, seconded by Commissioner Colangelo, the board voted unanimously to accept the EMS Provider Activity Report for May 2006.

On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Benedetto, the board voted unanimously to accept the Emergency Management Coordinator’s Report for May 2006.  

Emergency Management Coordinator Thomas Vannini informed the board that he no longer had the use of a city vehicle.

Mayor Bingham indicated that they were on top of the situation.

On a motion by Commissioner Benedetto, seconded by Commissioner Potter,  the board voted unanimously to consider business by Department Heads.

Chief Milano stated the RFP for the Public Safety Communication Consultant has been formalized.   He also stated they have changed vendor for prisoner food from Twin Colony to McDonald’s at a projected savings of 50%.

Chief Milano furnished the board with a rendition of a sign which the Northend Community Association will be installing on part of the Police Department’s property, at no cost to the city.

Chief Milano also stated the summary report from the consulting engineer on the masonry restoration of the Police Department building has been completed.  The price ranges from $263,000.00 for an incomplete fix to $332,000.00 for the complete pointing of the building, as long as there is no asbestos in the cement joints.

Mayor Bingham indicated the item could be discussed during July’s meeting.

Deputy Fire Chief Giampaolo reminded the board that the Union’s annual bike run is scheduled for June 25, starting at 10:00 a.m. at fire headquarters.

On a motion by Commissioner Colangelo, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to consider business by Mayor Bingham and members of the Board of Public Safety.

Commissioner Benedetto inquired about the boot in an effort to collect the $340,000.00 in outstanding parking tickets.

Chief Milano stated they ran into problems when they didn’t receive any bidders on the towing contract, and they didn’t receive any feedback either, from anyone as to why they weren’t interested.  They had hoped to work with only one vendor because it would have been easier.

Chief Milano assured the board they will move forward using multiple vendors and they will start booting vehicles between now and the next meeting.

At Commissioner Benedetto’s request, selective traffic enforcement has been performed and a total of 640 traffic violations was reported in one month.  The dedicated traffic unit was disbanded because of reduction of manpower.  A definite difference was reported when they compared two blocks of time, one when the dedicated traffic enforcement squad was in effect and one when it was not.  Two traffic fatalities were reported when they didn’t have the traffic squad, and none when they did.  However, there is no guarantee that those fatalities would not have occurred had there been a traffic enforcement squad.

Chief Milano stated he was not in favor of creating another dedicated traffic squad at this time because they are just getting to the point where they are operating more comfortably and having an impact on overtime.  

Commissioner Benedetto inquired whether the funds from the DUI grant could be used to pay for the traffic enforcement.  

Chief Milano indicated that some of those 640 traffic violations did fit into the DUI category.

Chief Milano stated, if the complaints’ Commissioner Benedetto received were significant enough, he would spend overtime funds to have a traffic enforcement squad, but he won’t let it get to the point where it’s causing excessive sick time and unscheduled absences.  He pledged not to sacrifice the safe operation of a shift.  

Commissioner Cook suggested using the radar gun as often as possible.

Commissioner Potter said the city just can’t afford to spend all this overtime, and the city has a worse problem with drugs.

Commissioner Colangelo said he respected Commissioner Benedetto’s opinion but he felt the city had a lot more problems with limited assets.  

Chief Milano stated that he has a very innovative staff and would put a group of them together to come up with a plan to perform traffic enforcement with the most limited resources.  He just wasn’t at the point where he could take people from the seven or eight cars that are out per shift, to perform special squad duties.

Commissioner Benedetto thanked those involved in Special Olympics.      

Commissioner Potter requested cleaning up the impound lot.

Commissioner Colangelo noted that Officer Dowd was back on duty.  He thanked Officer Shopey for helping residents of Arbor Ridge with their speed problem.  

On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to go into an executive session under Personnel: Police Department at 9:20 p.m.

               ASST. CITY CLERK

On a motion by Commissioner Potter, seconded by Commissioner Cook, the board voted unanimously to reconvene into Open Session.

On a motion by Commissioner Cook, seconded by Commissioner Potter, the board voted unanimously to adjourn.

Corporation Counsel